Friday, March 21, 2014

First Day of Spring!

I know it isn't the first day of spring anymore, but this was in response to a writing prompt that day and I forgot to post it:
What does the first day of spring remind you of?
The first day of spring makes me think of new life, and especially green. Green sprouts coming up through the rich soil, green leaves forming on trees, green buds ready to burst into bloom.Green, green, green. Spring reminds me of planting things, of baby animals, but also, in my climate, a crouching lion ready to pounce. The green grass sways in the spring breeze, but it conceals the snow, the ice, the cold, cold winter, that wants to go out with a bang, namely, a giant, cold, frosty snowstorm. So plant all you want, but plant inside, because I guarantee that as soon as you sow tender seeds in the just-thawed earth, you'll wake to a thick blanket of snow in the morning. But even though you know that spring is just a clever disguise for winter, enjoy it. Enjoy the warmth, enjoy the sun, enjoy the green, enjoy the flowers, enjoy the baby animals while you can. It may not last, but spring is blissful while it visits.