Monday, March 31, 2014

Falling Asleep by Firelight

Last night, I didn't sleep in the bedroom but in the living room. The fire burned and it warmed me from head to toe under my blankets. Let me just say, I think that the best way to fall asleep would be with every door and window wide open on a rainy night with a blazing fire. I would snuggle under the covers with my favorite cat, Keaton, on my pillow. My body would be warm but my face would feel the slight breeze blowing and I would love it. Some day I will do that. It will be amazing.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

First Curry Comb.First Hoof Pick.

On the long road to a horse. I'm getting equipment that you don't have to measure a horse for. Here's some of the things on my shopping list:
Dandy brush
Lead rope
curry comb check ( :
hoof pick check ( :
poop rake
mane and tail brush
sweat/mud scraper
soft brush
I'll add more when I think of them. In the meantime, shopping list suggestions?

Plant Sale!

Today I went to a plant sale. I got:
1 male Hardy Kiwi (which is worthless without a female plant. I hope I get one soon.)
1 clumping bamboo plant
(drumroll please)
1 green timber bamboo plant!

Friday, March 28, 2014

So Many Horse Choices!

I'm looking at breeds on the interweb and I just found the Gypsy Vanner. They're strong, docile, and easy to ride. They can also drive. Plus those beautiful manes. I love all three of the breeds I've found. Which one? Which one indeed...

I'm Back!

I've recovered (mostly) from my cold and feel up to writing today. I have changed my mind about which horse breed I want. I now want a Clydesdale. There's one for sale, online, fairly near me, for $3,500. He has a great temperament, and he is trained to pull carriages. I want him. So bad. But there is no way possible for me to get a horse right now. Sigh. Besides, I would need to think it over. Plus, it seems like he is trained for Western, and I ride English. And there's the fact that I'd need to have the time for a horse. And he's probably way more advanced than I am! But still...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Still Infected...But Alive!

So I won't be writing much, still. But I will say, I got some of the flower seeds for the chicken garden in the mail. Black Hollyhocks, regular Hollyhocks, bachelor's buttons, normal Organic Chives, and Sea Shells Cosmos. I must admit, some of these flowers are mostly for me, myself, and I's enjoyment and eating!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Pure Exasperation

Is when Snow White, the Houdini of chickens, escapes. AGAIN! She has escaped at least 5 times in the hour since I let her out, and she's tried to escape many more times. She spends every moment of her day looking for holes in the fence and spots she can fly over. I have got to get some vegetation in there.

There Were Birds In the Air but I Never Heard Them Singing

No, I never heard them at all...till I listened
Those of you who like The Music Man (such as me) will get the reference. Those who don't like The Music Man...get lost!
Anyway, what I meant to say in this post is:listen. No matter whether you're backpacking in the Sierras or lugging your cart through the supermarket, try to just close your eyes and tune in to every single noise in the area. You'd be surprised how many sounds your brain blocks out, except when you're trying to hear them. They may not always be pretty noises, but if you start to try to just listen once in a while, you'll begin to hear the sweet melodies of birds inside Home Depot (because those songbirds, I swear, they live in that place!) You'll hear past the car alarms and the blaring music and hear crickets. If you're lucky, you won't have to listen to these sounds through other sounds, but even in the heart of New York, which I have traveled to, there is a type of dove that fills the streets everywhere you look. What is it? The "common" pigeon. Most people think of them as mere pests, but take a closer look at them.
Look at the iridescence on its neck, the black bars that contrast the gray body. So you see, beauty is probably in many, many places quite close to you. You just have to seek out the beauty, the flash of a peacock feather(or a pigeon's neck feather) in a pile of trash, a room with a candle burning among the bright city lights and skyscrapers. So the next time there's any noise at all besides the sound of your breathing, listen to it. Train your ears to listen to and appreciate everything. Even if it's a common sound, it can still be very beautiful.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Homemade macaroni and cheese with colorful pasta - so much better than Kraft!

My Shopping Addiction

Some people have an addiction to shoe shopping. Some have an addiction to clothes shopping. Some even have an addiction to food shopping.
These are all as hard to break as my addiction.
I am one of the few people who has the rare seed shopping addiction virus.
You don't notice it at first. You think "what a cool variety" and you buy it. Then you start spending days just looking at online seed catalogs. You wish to grow everything. Click. Added to your shopping cart. I'm just lucky it's not an expensive addiction. If every seed packet I just bought was a designer dress, I'd be hundreds of dollars into debt. As it is, I've only spent nine dollars. Yet. But that perfect variety, it's just there...on the screen! I must have it! It will solve every issue I've ever had in gardening! It's red! It's orange! It's yellow! It's blue! It's purple! It's black! It's white! Must have the seeds!
Erm...sorry 'bout that. It sometimes happens. Like, a lot. Do you see what I mean?

Check Out These Seeds!
I am in love with this non-profit organization that sells diverse varieties of seeds, including the seeds that Native Americans use and plant, and the seeds that grow wild but have been mentioned in Native American history. Here are some varieties I'm favoring. Some are for me and some are for the chickens: ( it's sorghum, by the way)
If only I could choose...

Friday, March 21, 2014

First Day of Spring!

I know it isn't the first day of spring anymore, but this was in response to a writing prompt that day and I forgot to post it:
What does the first day of spring remind you of?
The first day of spring makes me think of new life, and especially green. Green sprouts coming up through the rich soil, green leaves forming on trees, green buds ready to burst into bloom.Green, green, green. Spring reminds me of planting things, of baby animals, but also, in my climate, a crouching lion ready to pounce. The green grass sways in the spring breeze, but it conceals the snow, the ice, the cold, cold winter, that wants to go out with a bang, namely, a giant, cold, frosty snowstorm. So plant all you want, but plant inside, because I guarantee that as soon as you sow tender seeds in the just-thawed earth, you'll wake to a thick blanket of snow in the morning. But even though you know that spring is just a clever disguise for winter, enjoy it. Enjoy the warmth, enjoy the sun, enjoy the green, enjoy the flowers, enjoy the baby animals while you can. It may not last, but spring is blissful while it visits.

Sprouts! Sprouts! I see GREEN!

To me, this means spring. Even if it's probably going to snow again. These plants amaze me. They say "I will not be discouraged by that snow outside. I will stand tall!" However, the chives only have a few days to go before they are declared duds. Pessimists.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Another Current Obsession:

Plants with unusual colors.
Organic 125 Seeds White Alpine Strawberry Fragaria Vesca Pineberry Fruit Rare Bulk A1201


Cooking my own Food

So, I'm producing food and I want to start making it even more delish now. Anybody have a really good favorite recipe?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Current Obsession:

Gardening with chickens. And gardening with chickens with bamboo. I found a flawless bamboo species, Phyllostachys iridescens. It's completely perfect, suits all of my needs, except for 1 thing: it is running. Tips from anybody on how to control bamboo, other than eating it and not watering it?
Anyway, for anybody considering having a garden and chickens coexist, I recommend the book "Free Range Chicken Gardens" by Jessi Bloom. She has some great inspiration, information and generally, the book is pretty awesome.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Walk, Trot, Canter

I don't think I've said that I take horseback riding lessons yet. Well, I do. On a horse named Dolly. She's not mine, but I guess "renting" her is part of the lesson cost. Let me tell you: a lot of people think horseback riding isn't exercise. They are just wrong. It is exercise for body and mind. You have to concentrate on a million nitty gritty details all the while exercising muscles you didn't even know you had. Not exactly just sitting on a horse. Ha. Wish it were that easy.
And someday, someday I'll be riding a little Icelandic horse of my own through the woods near my little farm. And I'll use that horse instead of a tractor to tend my crops. It's going to be fantastic. It'll be hard. It will be breathtaking. And most importantly, it will be mine.

I am Going to Portland, Oregon

Powell's, here I come! I've always wanted to go to Portland!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


I accidentally said earth hour was on the 28th, while it's really on the 29th

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Take my advice:
1. climb a tree
2. wrap yourself in fuzzy blankets
3. look at the stars or the sky
4. close your eyes
5. listen.

Earth Hour

Saturday, March 29th, 8:30 - 9:30 pm is Earth Hour. Famous landmarks, businesses, and ordinary citizens will be turning off their lights for one hour to raise awareness to protect our wonderful Earth. It's more than that, though. It's a time for people to take action about the state our world is in. This video explains it better than I ever could:
I propose that on this day, at least 50 people plant something to eat, whether it be a row of 500 cabbage plants or just a little pea plant in a pot inside an apartment. Take a video of you planting with a candle if it's during the hour. Do it outside (if you can where you live) or under a little incandescent light bulb. Just plant. Plant food. And I want to see your food being planted! Make your most creative planting arrangement, or an inspirational planting project. Do your best work and I'll feature you on this blog and do my best to make you famous. Support my Earth Hour project, and you will get unmistakably good karma: food! I don't care if you live in the tiniest urban apartment or on 5,000 acres, you CAN plant something! And I hope you will.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Planting Seeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of the seeds are Maestro Peas from Seeds Trust, except for the bottom of the egg cartons (the part that holds eggs) which are USDA certified Organic Garlic Chive seeds from Burpee. I have egg cartons and salad containers and pie tins and just plain terracotta pots. I'm doing all this so early partly because of the Snap Pea Challenge on which gave me the idea and partly because I WANT GREEN STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I encourage you to get some pea seeds and plant the entire package. There's no such thing as too many pea plants.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Give the Gift of Fresh Food

I dare you to give any of these to somebody you know:
Fresh baked bread
fresh baked pastry
planted seeds for an easy-to-grow veggie
food from your garden (if you have one)
eggs from your chickens (if you have any)
honey from your bees (again, if you have any)
Just get someone hooked on fresh, local food. In my opinion, it's one of the best addictive gifts you can give.
Or get yourself hooked!

Forbidden Desert

The sequel to Forbidden Island, a great cooperative board game that I love, Forbidden Desert is even better. I played it for the first time today and was not disappointed. Check it and its predecessor out. You'll have a good time.

Book Recommendation

I know that you shouldn't judge a sewing book by one pattern, but I have to say, so far, I love "Sew What Skirts" by Francesca Denhartog. I am almost finished with my first skirt and so far it looks amazing, and just like the picture, unlike some skirts people I know tried to sew *coughmecough* Plus, these skirts are customizable to your exact measurements, height, and preferences. I will post the results of the skirt I'm working on tomorrow and I think you guys may be seeing more skirts from this book.!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Plant. Necklace.

Need I say more?


That's an order. Go outside, no matter how cold it is, and run, whether it be a mile or just a step. Unless you're transporting yourself somewhere at breakneck speeds this very moment, run. No matter who's watching. On your marks...get set...GO!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Today I briefly caught myself debating in my mind whether or not to wear socks for a quick trip outside. Then, I thought "really? are you serious? you have to debate socks of all things?" So I went outside in no socks. I liked it.

Tough Day

I don't mean to whine. Skip this post if you want. But I just don't really like being called a nerd who always has her head in a book, to my face.
Don't you just hate those days?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Today I went to sewing class wearing a linen circle skirt that I made. I haven't worn that skirt in so long, I forgot what a pleasure it is to wear it. The light fabric twirls around my legs in a graceful motion. When I turn the light material flares out and it makes me happy to watch my skirt until I'm dizzy. It sounds vain and girlish, but you have no idea how much work went into that skirt, my first garment I ever made. I know every embarrassing secret it has, every memory stitched into every curvy, imperfect hem. I love them all. If you have not worn a thing you made, whether it be mittens you knitted or a full-length ball gown you painstakingly stitched  by hand, I urge you to try making some of your own clothes. It is, to say the least, awesome!

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Bellagio

Tapas in Vegas

A few nights ago in Vegas (yes, I went to Vegas without telling you guys. I'm sorry.) I went to a Spanish Tapas restaurant. I was a little hesitant at first, thinking that it may not fill me up, seeing as all you eat are little plates of food, but it was a great experience! I ate:
Roasted eggplant filled with mild goat cheese
Stuffed peppers
Tomato-basil soup
Grilled brie sandwiches
All tasted delicious and were very rich. I was stuffed before you knew it, even though the plates were only about half the size of my computer screen. It was a great chance to try new foods without having to commit to eating a giant plate of them. If you ever go to Vegas, I recommend stopping by the Firefly* (asterisk is part of the name) tapas restaurant. If you don't plan on going to Vegas anytime soon, see if there's a good tapas restaurant in your area. It was one of the best restaurants I've gone to in my life.