Thursday, February 27, 2014

It rained last night.

It started by looking at the water drops outside with a flashlight before bed. They looked so sparkly and beautiful that I thought "aw, what the heck, I have a screen, it can't hurt." I opened my window and the cool breeze blew ever so slightly on my face. It was wonderful. Right then and there, I decided I would sleep with the window open for the rest of the night, and I put my waterproof sleeping bag on top of the sheets. It was amazing, falling asleep to the drum of rain while the breeze tickled my face. I dare you to see for yourself  the wonders of open windows. Well, this morning I woke up and there was a light sprinkling of white dust on everything, complete with icicles dripping from the tree branches. That means that it got below freezing last night and I didn't even stir in my sleep. Ah, the wonders of sleeping bags, and the magic of waking up to snow outside even a closed window.

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