Monday, May 5, 2014

Weekend Update

I have been busy this weekend! I planted seeds, planted pea seedlings, got 2 houseplants that I will hopefully be able to keep alive, went to the feed store to look at cute baby chicks, got a fennel seedling and planted it, and, I saved the best for last, I am now in loving possession of the two Campine chickens in the guinea pig cage in the living room.
Really long sentence. Let me start from the beginning. I planted four rows of Candy Mountain corn seeds in my garden on Saturday, between rows of started pea seedlings. I have about double the amount of pea plants this year compared to last year, because I have discovered the amazing properties of very fresh peas. They are everything that store bought peas are not: sweet as candy, very green, delicious. There are also the things that I love about pea plants. They are nitrogen fixers, easy to grow from seed, and if you put a greenhouse in Antarctica I think you would be able to grow peas. There was also the pea challenge, which Jenna Woginrich posted on her blog, challenging rural and urban farmers alike to grow some peas. I accepted the challenge heartily, and now have about forty pea plants growing in my garden. Forty! It should be fun.
Then there were the houseplants. At Home Depot on Sunday, I caved and bought 2 small houseplants for 4 bucks. I will post pictures later, along with pictures of other things. They are beautiful houseplants, I just hope that I can keep them alive. I tend to kill houseplants, however much of a green thumb I have outdoors.
The feed store isn't much of a very good story. I went to my Friendly Local Feed Store, where they had big horse troughs filled with some cute, cute chicks. Oh, and then there was the trough of "chicks" in front, who were, creatively put in my very own words, in "The Ugly Weird Juvenile Stage." Oh, those were some ugly chickens. Even though when they're the chicks you've raised by hand you think they're still cute, really, they're quite hideous.
Planted Fennel seedling acquired at plant store in garden. End of really bad story.
Ah, yes, my favorites, the new chickens. One of them was named Feisty by her previous owner and is actually quite calm. Feisty is show quality. The other chicken I have named Spunk because, really, that chicken has some serious Spunk. I found that out by touching her a few times. They are beautiful chickens, and I hear that Spunk is quite a good layer. Feisty and Spunk. My new chickens. Heh. Heh.
So that's all for now, I will keep you wonderful people updated. Because, ya know, I'm so reliable.

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